We are trying something new in lieu of the market. So with very limited quantity (and limited notice for this week!), we will have farm product bundles available here and there throughout the summer. Our first ones will be available on Saturday, July 4th. So send me a message or call to reserve yours. Pick-up on the farm or local delivery available. $100 for the Summer Superfood Sampler. Read below to see the contents of this weeks bundle.

From the field:
Pastured organic smoked ham or grass fed lamb roast (you choose)
A dozen organic eggs
250 ml rendered lard
125 ml raw honey
From the garden:
1 bunch each of kale, Swiss chard and garlic scapes
1 large bag of leaf lettuce
From the kitchen:
1 large loaf of sourdough bread
1 litre jar of dill pickles (made from local cucs)
Fun extras:
1 healing lip balm
1 reusable canvas shopping or gift bag

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Fencing is a never ending job on a pasture based farm.  The fences on our farm have been hastily and poorly mended for years with barbed wire for the most part

Winter Calving (and Kidding) on Welsh Hill Farm

Spring has started early at the farm this year, with three new baby animals already: a bull calf and two goat kids. Normally we prefer not to to calve (or

Baby Chicks and a New Brooder

Just a quick note to say that eleven chicks hatched out of 22 eggs.  Not great, but not too bad either.  Most of the ones that hatched are purebred Ameraucanas.  They