I am so excited to let you all know that we have finally launched our newest product: Welsh Hill Farm Lip Balms.  They have been in the works for more than a year and I had planned to have them ready to sell for fall 2015.  Life, however, got in the way.  Especially farm life and kid-sickness life.  They feature our own completely pesticide-free beeswax and honey, as well as other locally sourced (when we can) ingredients.

Four all-natural, handcrafted lip balms to choose from.


There are 4 fabulous flavours and they sell for $4 each.

WHF_lip_balm_label_coc WHF_lip_balm_label_cocoa WHF_lip_balm_label_hemp WHF_lip_balm_label_peppy

4 thoughts on “Introducing: Welsh Hill Lip Balms!”

  1. Ooh, I think I might have to try them all too! Save some for when we visit the farm? 🙂

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