We have been getting more and more small pullet eggs.  Today our pullets laid 14!  So far we have not had a problem keeping up with eating them all.  It has been awhile since we have had our own eggs and nothing compares to the taste of a fresh egg.  If we don’t have them for breakfast then we have them for lunch.  The yolk colour is so much darker that the kids asked if  I had added mustard to the scrambled eggs.   Unfortunately our goat Clarabelle is wreaking havoc in the chicken coop.  She gets in the small hen door and eats our layer mash.  At $25 a bag for Certified Organic feed, it is a VERY expensive way to feed goats.  We have ordered some electric netting to make a goat pen away from the chicken coop and the gardens and the tree seedlings and anything else the inquisitive creatures decide to eat.  We will get it on Monday and when the pen is up and functioning I will let you all know if it was successful!  If not, we may have some goat meat for sale soon –just  joking–well sort of.

Farm fresh eggs.

Most of our work this week has been done indoors.  Mike did some work trimming the kitchen window and adding some finishing touches to the cabinets.  Although we still have a pile of work ahead of us, we are starting to see the end in sight. For anyone who has built a house will tell you that trim is one of the last things to be finished.   I don’t have a good camera but I here is a picture of the window anyway.  : )

Window _trim


7 thoughts on “Eggs Finally!”

  1. What a beautiful blog Vanessa! It’s a great idea and I look forward to reading more. I love your logo. The whole design of the site is very lovely:)

  2. Vanessa & Mike,

    I am so excited to see/hear/read about what you have started. Very nice to read the blog. Hope with the warmer temperatures (finally!) that things keep going up for you all.


  3. Vanessa, I’ve found you!!!

    I can’y wait to watch you grow this beautiful life you’ve carved out.

    Much love,

    Kathleen and crew

    PS – save me some eggs, I’ll pick them up on my way through to Westport….

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